TITAN FOR DUMMIES. Popular Science Edition., 160 p., 2500 copies
Dear Colleague! We would like to invite you to take a tour of the unique enterprise – VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation. Be patient, as this is going to be long. But no way boring! We have something to be proud of, and something to amaze. The scope, process complexity, distribution geography and much more…. If you are a new employee at VMSPO-AVISMA, we expect this book to help you get into the spirit of our Corporation and better understand your role in its operation. And you may be interested in finding in this book a few words about your job, your plant, section, or department. This book also provides valuable information to our irreplaceable lawyers, economists, accountants, IT specialists, and other employees, whose job is not directly related to titanium production. The purpose of the book is to show you that operation of the plants is not as mysterious and inexplicable as it may seem, and to make you better see and understand the real production process behind all its formal figures and reports. Furthermore, the book will be of interest to our partners, both existing and potential ones. It may be read as a travel guide! Some chapters describe quite complicated processes. We believe that you will find these details useful. We also believe that having read this book, you cannot be called “green” to the titanium production. So, let’s go ahead to professionalism! Director General Mikhail Viktorovich Voevodin